Bring hope and healing to your community.

Become a leader in racial reconciliation

What is the Unify Project?

Watch this brief video of Pastors Fred Luter and Ed Litton to learn more about the Unify Project and how you can make an impact in your community.

40 Days of Prayer for Racial Reconciliation

Download the Guide for Lent

Join us during this season of Lent, a time that

has historically been set aside for fasting, repentance, and prayer in the Church.

When it comes to racial reconciliation, many pastors don't feel equipped to lead.

We know you feel a burden for the racial tensions in your community, your families, and your church.

We also know how daunting becoming a leading voice for change can be. That's why the Unify Project exists: to help pastors and church leaders like you become the influential voice in your community that brings hope and healing in Jesus' name.

Our process for racial healing is simple:

Step 1: Assemble

Start as One

Most pastors are burdened by the racial tension in their community. But they often try to address this problem alone or limit their efforts to a single local church. We believe local churches are best equipped to address these issues and bring healing to their communities when they come together.

Step 2: Address

Speak as One

Your community will experience racial strife. Rather than waiting for others to lead or create a narrative, we believe pastors should be the primary voices offering hope and healing in these moments. But to do this, pastors must have both the resources and the credibility to speak.

Step 3: Act

Serve as One

Meeting together regularly is an important part of the process. But you can bring lasting impact to your community by serving together. As you serve your community together, you will present a tangible example of what love and healing look like.

3 steps to get started:

Download the Plan 

Download our simple, 3-step process and resources

Follow the Plan

Follow the plan exactly, or adjust it and make it your own

Lead Your Community

Become a leader in your community for racial reconciliation

*The Unify Project’s 3-step process was developed based upon Dr. Tony Evan’s “A Kingdom Strategy for Community Transformation”

We believe pastors can be the catalysts for change and racial reconciliation in their communities.

And we believe that local churches can lead the way in offering hope and healing to their neighbors and neighborhoods.

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